Nutritional Therapy
Re-Calibrate Your System
As part of your Wellness Coaching Program, the Nutritional Therapy Component alone provides:
- The Client Health Check Questionnaire Your Antioxidant Capacity Assessment™
- Your Nutritional Deficiencies Assessment™
- Written reports with your assessments’ results, which we will discuss together at length
- 8 weeks of email support and fine-tuning from me to ensure we understand everything about your unique nutritional needs
- 2 Food and Symptom Journal records analyzed by myself with recommendations returned each week
- Your personal diet plan with carefully selected foods which are best for your body, comprised of your own top foods and antioxidants shopping lists
- An in-depth discussion about your meal preferences and the inclusion and exclusion of certain “promoters” and “adversaries” from your diet
- Specific actions steps to help enhance your antioxidant capacity
- Extensive explanation about the health benefits of your recommended top foods and antioxidant foods
- A Symptom Reassessment™ relative to your initial Nutritional Deficiencies Assessment™
- Specific dietary dos and donts to support an adequate absorption of your required nutrients
- Tips for your groceries shopping, food preparation, and cooking
- 1 [ weekly / bi-weekly ] session with me [ in person | via Skype | over the phone ], each session lasting [ 30 minutes / 1 hour ]
- Session Summary Handouts™ at the end of each session with your goals for [the week / those 2 weeks], next steps and action points